Congratulations on finding your way to my blog!

My previous post was from December and I’ve not stopped baking ( well old recipes anyway) because it’s been super busy with internship and working on weekends that if I scored myself a down time, I’m catching some much deserved z…Z..Zs.

I haven’t been able to bake much and haven’t had the time to try out new things to bake,  I’ve also been trying to figure out what platforms works best for me. Instagram is currently where everything’s at, it’s mostly food diaries as of now because my internship does cover our lunch expenses, therefore I get to try new food joints (within budget) of course.

I was recently (a few months ago) notified about my WordPress page reaching 200 likes and I think that’s a big deal for me! Considering this blog was nothing but a personal blog turned into sharing photos of my kitchen projects over the summer. Thank you for stopping by and for even liking my posts, it means something in my little heart.

However, I also find maintaining this website and getting around it on the free platform is just ridiculous for me to handle. Committing to paying a subscription fee for all-access is just as taxing, considering this blog is literally one of the smallest in this world wide web, and it’s an investment. With that said, I’m currently working on my Tumblr page, that will direct any food posts from my Instagram and obviously any homemade stuff I made will be posted there too. I just like the platform better mostly because I’m familiar with it, I chose WP solely because I thought a changed in platform would be great, but I guess change isn’t always necessary.

I’ve not been neglecting this little project of mine, it’s just been on a hiatus because school and everything else is a priority. Thank you again for stopping by, I’m currently on a “figuring out my life and where it’s going” situation with this blog and everything else. I will be back shortly until I’ve polished some things up, until then follow me on Instagram @orbiebakes.

Here’s a photo of my favourite matcha cookies recipe! Happy Easter!CdyC5fGXIAAkx8n

Sriracha Mayo Chicken Sandwich


Hello WordPress, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve got some down time though and a new recipe.

I totally screwed up my bacon wrapped chicken breast the other day and ended up with dry breast and loosely wrapped bacon. Anyway I’m not a fan of spoiling or throwing food away so I turned my leftover chicken to a spicy chicken salad, like you’re usual but with a flavour kick.

The recipe include:

leftover chicken breast shredded or cubed.

1 stalk spring onion, chopped

1 thin slice of a big red onion, cubed

1 stalk cilantro chopped

1/2 apple cubed

cheese slices

2 tbsp mayonnaise

sriracha sauce ( add to your heart’s content with the mayonnaise)

The apples add a really good crunch in the salad, I first tried my chicken salad sandwich with it when my classmate Adrian in 8th grade shared his sandwich and I asked “what’s the crunch?” and he said ” my dad put apples in them” and ever since then I’ve always put apples in my chicken salad. I hope you try this one out, and add herbs of your choice. Today, I had it on toasted rye bread, it was very satisfying.

Quick Post from the PanAm Games 2015

DSC_0008DSC_0053Hey all, I hope you’re having a wonderful summer so far wherever you may be. I’m volunteering for Toronto 2015, and it’s been nothing but exciting and tiring . Today was one of my early shifts to end, I decided to checkout one of the Panamania Park set up at the CIBC PanAm Park most commonly known to locals as “The Ex” got myself a customized Coke can ! first customized item really.

The second photo is a view of Nathan Philips Square during Opening Ceremonies last week. Time flies, we’re almost done with a week left!

On a side note, I know Toronto’s been really getting bad press because we complained so much about the games coming in to the city. I hadn’t noticed any changes except for the fact that there’s more people, transit wise I think the TTC has been good so far, better than your regular day. It’s honestly just about planning ahead and knowing your routes, the ones that leads to the sporting venues are usually pretty good with ensuring that there are plenty of buses, streetcars,etc running on time. I’ve enjoyed everything so far ! I almost don’t want it to end.

Taste of Toronto 2015 *REPOST*

The photos weren’t showing up so I had to, it was a good weekend worth sharing. Some lovely friends gave me their Taste of Toronto tickets and I brought my friend with me for the day, she and I both love playing tourists in the city so I was glad she was game for this one. We’ve popped our Taste of Toronto cherries!  and we both decided we would go back next year but do a little bit of research prior. More about Taste of Toronto here. 



a. Rajas Poblanas from Los Colibris (chicken, corn, corn tortilla, poblano) b. Funnel Cake with steamed blueberries, and vanilla ice cream from Richmond Station . c. Cooled off at the Palm Bay tent with their Pineapple Peach Wave Iced Tea. d. Ungava G&T might be my new favourite version of a G&T! e. Peach Mango Iced Tea from Maisonette at The Distillery District. I did mention that it was from Laura Slack but with further research found that Maisonette sells LS’s chocolates.


Lastly, sharing my outfit for the day. Vintage dress from Value Village my cousin bought me for $6 and these Gap leather sandals on sale for $15 prior to Canada Day weekend!