Curry Coconut Shrimp


Hello all and Happy Sunday!

Got my school schedule for the fall semester and so far I’m pretty happy with it. My cousin and I have spent a few days in the kitchen per usual, and made a few good things including this dish (made by me, because my cousin hates shrimps). Loaded up the herbs and spices in this because why the hell not right!?

1 package of shrimps (my favourites are tiger shrimps but I guess this was cheaper)

1 cup of coconut milk

pinch of salt and pepper

cayenne pepper

1 stalk of chives chopped up

3 stalks of coriander/cilantro

1 onion

1 large tomatoes

basically just sautéed the onions and tomatoes, added the coriander and chives. Tossed in the shrimps, and poured the coconut milk and let it simmer on medium high heat until the shrimps are cooked (aka when they turn orange)

Savoury Muffins

Cheesy Cornbread Muffins with Scallions and  Parsley.
Cheesy Cornbread Muffins with Scallions and Parsley.

Made these muffins today, I apologize for the unfocused photo. The sun was setting and I had to capture before it got dark I didn’t want to use flash! Used the last bag of cornmeal I bought a couple months back, added scallions and parsley, and extra cheese.

These are eggless as well and sugar free, although I do think this needed a little bit of sugar just to bring out the flavour of the cornmeal maybe I will try it next time. They tasted pretty good otherwise, perfect to be served with soup or just on it’s own. I used a whole stalk of scallions and a handful of parsley, which makes them flavourful. I’ve started recently to not be too strict with the mix when it comes to ingredients, the more the better I think.

I’ve been sneezing for the past five hours now and I can’t seem to find my allergy pills. I hope that I do though before I go to bed because my right nose is runny as hell, yikes! I also received Filipino treats today such as: tamarind balls, and flat top chocolate. Needless to say the tamarind balls are gone. I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

Here’s what I used today

2 cups flour (any flour of your choice)

1 cup cornmeal ( I ran out of cornmeal for this recipe so I used exactly half a cup)

1/2 tsp baking powder/soda


fresh scallions and parsley (cut/chopped finely)

2 tbsp olive oil (any oil of your choice)

1/2 cup sugar ( the recipe i followed didn’t say to use sugar but do use it if you want a little more flavour and bring out the taste of cornmeal.)

1 cup grated cheddar cheese. (although I think I grated more than a cup)

I also would suggest adding butter in the mix. To your discretion, I shredded it on the muffin tops before popping them in the oven. See the little yolk like muffin? I added a block of cheese on top to see how it would turn out ha.

Five Twenty-Five


Quick post sharing today’s lunch, pretty dreary weather today which I took as an open invitation to stay in bed for another hour or so and scope out new posts on social media.

I am now catching up on Penny Dreadful as I write this, and just finished Game of Thrones how crazy was that episode?! Anyway I hope US readers you are enjoying Memorial Day.

Back to the salad, super simple and easy to make which is why I enjoy them in the first place. Romaine lettuce, tossed with: apple, cucumber, and tomatoes. The chicken was just a last minute addition, as I wanted to make stir fry with them but ended up lazy, I swear it’s the weather!

The chicken was marinated in soy sauce and sriracha over night, and I squeezed a bit of lime before I fried them, you can grill it too if you’d like!

Penny Dreadful is getting intense, so I’m going to close this off now. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead of you!

Baked Zucchini Fries


Made my own version of zucchini fries today, I forgot I didn’t buy the parmesan I was holding yesterday because I really wanted some cheese snacks. For this one, I only used three ingredients, and baked them for about 15-20 mins (our oven is really old!)

3 zucchinis cut into strips

1-2 cups of Italian Bread Crumbs (helped with the flavour a whole lot since I didn’t have parmesan on hand!)

2 eggs (I used three eggs for this one but really the two is more than enough for the batch I made.)

I wanted to make a chipotle aioli dip but we ran out of mayo and/or yoghurt. I think with the lack of ingredients I might have to hit up the groceries. My family finished the fries by the way, I don’t know if they ate it because it looked good or because they were curious, regardless they ate it !

I was thinking of making a lemon and blueberry cornmeal scone using this recipe, I’ve just been really liking using cornmeal in the food I make, already made pancakes and corn bread with it! However, I am also intrigued with using beets in my brownies, I’m not too fond of it but I heard its healthy for you. So I might give it a go if I can mask its earthy flavour into some delicious brownies, or cakes!